Board of Directors Opportunity
RWW is looking for one or more members for our Board of Directors. Email Fred at fredjbonner@gmail.com to nominate someone or express your interest. We are committed to creating a diverse board to manage the organization with interests, skills and experience in the following areas:
working with rural marginalized communities in NS on drinking water issues or learning about the issues
community engagement and collaboration
diversity, equity and inclusion
water quality/quantity, water supply options or water treatment
climate change and adaptation with respect to well water supply
non-profit or charity experience
environmental action
communications and social media
connecting with community residents through events
emerging water technologies and management approaches and
other social or technical areas
Board of Directors' Responsibilities
As per the Rural Water Watch By-Laws, Board of Directors members are nominated and voted-in by the membership at the Annual General Meeting or may be appointed by the Board if there are no nominations or to fill a vacancy. The Board of Directors is responsible for the overall strategic and financial functioning of the Association and promoting the Association’s mission, goals, and objectives. They look after the affairs of the Association and are in a position of trust. Their responsibilities include, but are not limited to:
Providing advice and guidance to all committees where necessary
participating in business operations of the Association
approving policies and procedures for the functioning of the Association
approving budgets and spending of amounts over $500
approving contracts and projects
attending board meetings (currently using video conferencing for meetings)
hiring staff
appointing an Executive Director (or General Manager) and
exercising accountability to the Association membership